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Sustainable and All Inclusive Tourism

At Satchit Voyage, we also hold the belief that everything in this universe is interconnected. We depend on one another and on the resources around us, which are meant to be shared for our collective existence and well-being. In a world increasingly driven by commercialization, it is vital to remember that we are part of an ecosystem essential to our survival. At Satchit Voyage, we are committed to fostering this consciousness and awareness, recognizing our responsibility to assist others and protect our ecosystems for the benefit of future travelers. 


In our pursuit of meaningful travel, we've intertwined our philosophy with our planet, our clientele, and our business operations. This approach has been integrated into our two primary strategies, forming the cornerstone of our commitment to sustainable tourism.


  1. The Well-being of Our Planet and People 

  2. Making Travel Accessible for Everyone

1.The Well-being of Our Planet and People 

Promoting Eco-Friendly Travel


In contemporary travel, the consumption of industrial products involved significantly strains our planet's resources and contributes to harmful emissions. ​At Satchit Voyage, we are dedicated to minimizing our environmental impact by encouraging our clients and our service providers to participate in this mission. Here are several initiatives we have implemented: 


  • We arm our travelers with knowledge about the dangers of plastic waste, and give them tips on where to find clean drinking water and alternatives to plastic bottles


  • We encourage our guests to use public transportation as apart of their travel plan. It's a great way to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emission per person.


  • We work closely with our hotel and accommodation partners to encourage them to adopt eco-friendly practices. We even grade them on their efforts(Our internal records), and take their commitment to sustainability into account when choosing where our guests will stay.


  • We're big fans of fuel-efficient cars like the Toyota Prius, and we're always looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint.However, given the current environment in 2024, characterized by import restrictions on vehicles in Sri Lanka, we face challenges in sourcing electric options. Nonetheless, we remain committed to making the transition as soon as opportunities arise, particularly for our lighter vehicle


​At Satchit Voyage, we believe that travel should be a joy, not a burden on our planet. Join us in our mission to make travel more sustainable.

Promoting Local Trades and Supporting Local Communities


An essential component of our travel experiences is immersing guests in local cultures, which significantly enhances their understanding of the host country. To accomplish this, we provide a variety of opportunities for our clients to engage with local culture through culinary experiences and explorations of traditional industries. These include, but are not limited to, batik garment production, spice cultivation, clay pottery crafting, treacle making, and honey farming.This exploration benefits not only our clients, who gain entertainment, knowledge, and unique experiences, but also the local industries that gain exposure through the visitors we bring via our travel programs.


Many of these businesses are run by local families who have maintained their trades for generations. By integrating these enterprises into our travel itineraries, we support the sustainability and growth of these small business communities while allowing our clients to experience local cultures and their traditional ways of life through showcasing these businesses and their products. 


Additionally, we gather feedback from our customers regarding each activity they engage in. We analyze this feedback and share it with the small business owners, allowing them to make informed decisions that enhance their services and offerings, ultimately improving their traditional business.


At Satchiit Voyage, we understand that our journey is not a solo endeavor; it is a collaborative effort that includes our clients and all other stakeholders.

Animal Welfare

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Travelers are strongly discouraged from participating in any activities that exploit animals, whether they are wild, domesticated, or used for commercial purposes. This principle is clearly outlined in our Terms and Conditions, which all clients must accept prior to embarking on their journey. 


We maintain ongoing communication with our service providers to ensure that all activities involving wildlife and animals are conducted in a manner that safeguards their well-being and natural behaviors. 


Furthermore, we are committed to educating our clients on how to protect the welfare and natural habitats of animals during their travels. For instance, we conduct a brief introductory session before wildlife safaris, where clients learn about appropriate behaviors and practices to follow. This initiative helps ensure that the wildlife and surrounding ecosystems remain unharmed.

Promoting Peace and Tolerance


Sri Lanka is a nation renowned for its rich tapestry of diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds. As we journey through this beautiful country, our travels offer valuable opportunities to explore a variety of religious and cultural sites. We encourage our clients to respect local customs and policies, which allows travelers to gain a deeper understanding of cultures and religions that differ from their own. This commitment is outlined in our Terms and Conditions, wherein clients agree to adhere to local traditions and norms while visiting the religious and cultural sites included in their itineraries. By doing so, participants not only cultivate respect for different traditions but also acquire profound insights into the historical contexts surrounding the customs they encounter. This approach promotes greater tolerance through enhanced awareness.


Our clients are also afforded the chance to interact closely with these sites and the communities that surround them, enhancing their understanding of the world and broadening their perspectives. Furthermore, we actively encourage and facilitate our travellers to support  less privileged local communities and cultures, respecting their diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. This engagement is entirely voluntary and stems from a genuine empathy toward the world around us.

Respect Local Cultures and Protect Cultural Heritage


Our commitment to promoting peace and tolerance includes introducing our clients to diverse cultural and religious backgrounds while ensuring that the traditions of each community are upheld. 


We take great care to ensure that no culture is negatively affected by the presence of our tourists. To facilitate this, we conduct awareness sessions throughout our tours, educating clients on appropriate attire and local customs prior to visiting significant sites. For instance, before visiting a Buddhist temple, clients are informed about the need for appropriate clothing to cover their bodies. Our staff ensure that clients are properly attired and provide demonstrations of activities, as well as planning for the next day's events. We also carry additional clothing options to accommodate our clients when necessary. 

Furthermore, we advise our clients on various matters, including but not limited to: 

  • Guidelines for photography, including where it is permitted and where it is not permitted. 

  • Recommendations where it is appropriate/mandatory too keep phones and other electronic devices silent.

  • Specific dress codes applicable/appropriate for different locations.

  • Establish expectations for maintaining respectful noise levels and language usage.

  • Guidelines for keeping facilities accessible and avoiding unnecessary congestion .

  • Recommended locations for purchasing souvenirs.

  • Areas where food and drinks are prohibited.

  • We also deploy trained staff to continuously monitor guest behaviour and provide guidance as needed, ensuring that our clients can fully enjoy their experiences without causing any harm to local cultures and their heritage.​

Giving Back to Communities


Sri Lanka is a breathtaking and diverse destination that offers an abundance of luxury for travellers seeking both memorable experiences and a wealth of knowledge during their visit.

However, It is also important to realise that Sri Lanka is a developing country, where some of its population endures financial difficulties, potentially resulting in a substandard quality of life due to lack of access to basic necessities. At Satchit Voyage, we have created donation initiatives designed to support communities in their most urgent areas of need.

We plan to collaborate with charitable organizations to enhance our efforts in supporting these communities. Additionally, we encourage our clients to engage in these initiatives with complete transparency. We are developing a platform that allows our clients to donate directly to certified charitable organizations or to participate in Satchit Voyage by contributing funds or materials.


In addition to the donations received, Satchit Voyage allocates 2.5% of each sale towards initiatives aimed at assisting those in greatest need. This financial support may be directed towards various efforts, including alleviating hunger, enhancing healthcare facilities, and improving education.

At the conclusion of each tour, Satchit Voyage will deliver a comprehensive report outlining how your visit to Sri Lanka has positively impacted the quality of life for those in greatest need. This information will be further supported by certified financial reports at the end of each fiscal year.

Health and Safety

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The health and safety of our clients are of utmost importance to us. We are dedicated to ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience by implementing adequate health and safety standards throughout their time with us.

We provide our clients with information regarding the health and safety measures we implement and increase awareness through our general travel advice and Terms and Conditions policy, which must be read and acknowledged before our clients travel with us.

It is mandatory for our drivers to complete a checklist and sign a document confirming that the vehicles are safe and in good operating condition prior to the start of each day’s travel. Should any hazards arise, they are required to promptly notify the transport manager, who will take corrective actions to ensure safe travel. 


Additionally, every vehicle is equipped with a first aid kit to provide basic medical assistance in case of emergencies. Our drivers and guides are trained and certified in first aid, enabling them to offer immediate support to clients when necessary. Our registered drivers and guides are knowledgeable about the risks associated withspecific activities and site visits prior to guest check-in. If any hazardous conditions arise, our staff will proactively prevent clients from participating in such activities. 


For instance, in the event of windy or heavy rain, our team will halt activities like boat rides and hiking to ensure safety. This information is clearly outlined in our Terms and Conditions for our clients to review and accept before they travel.


Furthermore, we assess the standards of our service providers before allowing clients to board. We conduct regular inspections to ensure that our clients receive high-quality services that adhere to adequate health and safety measures. These inspections also serve to encourage our service partners to maintain such standards to continue their association with us.

Providing Training and Education

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Our staff constitutes the most valuable asset of our organization. We prioritize their ongoing education regarding the sustainable practices we implement, as well as the significance of these practices for our organization, community, and the planet. This approach not only empowers our team to effectively execute these initiatives but also enhances their capacity to raise awareness among our clients. Prior to each tour, we communicate our sustainability efforts to clients through our general terms and conditions and via our trained tour operators/drivers/guides ,who provide guidance during the tour.

Avoid Overcrowding

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Sri Lanka possesses tremendous potential in the tourism sector, driven by its natural beauty and rich diversity. This growth significantly bolsters the nation's economy by attracting foreign remittances. Consequently, tourism-related local industries have flourished, and we observe an increasing number of tourists visiting major sites and attractions in Sri Lanka daily. While there are numerous positive impacts associated with tourism, it can also yield negative effects on the country and its environment. 


At Satchit Voyage Tours, we acknowledge that every destination has a defined capacity. Exceeding this limit can compromise the authentic atmosphere of the locale and may negatively impact the local cultures, as the influx of tourists can encroach upon their spaces and daily life. This situation has the potential to adversely affect the well-being of residents and the surrounding environment.

Additionally, it is also crucial to ensure that tourists have convenient access to sites while preserving the integrity of local ways of life.


To assist Sri Lanka in addressing the growing issue of overcrowding, Satchit Voyage Tours promotes lesser-known yet highly appealing destinations that tourists should consider exploring. This initiative not only helps to minimize the effects of overcrowding but also enables our clients to discover the hidden gems of Sri Lanka, thereby enhancing the diversity and quality of their travel itineraries. Before adding these locations to our itineraries and destinations, our team conducts preliminary visits to ensure safety and the availability of adequate facilities. 


We also gather comprehensive information regarding the history, local industries, and cultural aspects of each site, ensuring we are well-prepared to present these attractions effectively to our clients. This approach allows our guests to escape the daily hustle and bustle associated with overcrowded tourist hotspots when possible, enabling them to experience more authentic and tranquil environments tailored to their travel preferences.


Therefore, at Satchit Voyage, we maintain a balanced itinerary that includes a variety of activities, site visits, and adventures, ensuring we effectively manage overcrowding while enhancing our clients' experiences.

2. Making Travel Accessible for Everyone


At Satchit Voyage Tours, we are dedicated to the principle that travel should be accessible to all individuals, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. Historically, the travel industry has frequently marginalized individuals from diverse groups, and addressing this exclusion is central to our mission. Despite well-meaning efforts, the challenges encountered are multifaceted, ranging from physical barriers impacting individuals with disabilities to concerns regarding safety and acceptance for people of color and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, among others.  


We have taken numerous measures to assure all our travelers’ experiences, Comfortable travel by helping them feel safer, respected, and more welcome. Satchit Voyage Travel pledges to leave no one behind when it comes to travel.


We offer and facilitate the following initiatives to demonstrate our commitment to making travel accessible for all individuals:


We are dedicated to ensuring that destinations, accommodations, transportation, and activities are accessible to all individuals, irrespective of physical or intellectual limitations, disabilities, or age. Our ongoing collaboration with service providers allows us to address the unique needs of customers from various physical, psychological, and cultural backgrounds effectively.


When accessibility is constrained by a client's physical condition, we proactively communicate this prior to their travel. We discuss alternative options to ensure they are not left behind. Additionally, we take responsibility for advising clients when it may not be safe for them to participate in specific activities or services due to their disabilities. Our approach includes identifying solutions and offering suitable alternatives before finalizing the tour.

Amenities and Facilities

We recognize that certain clients with special needs may require additional facilities and access to amenities during their travels. Accordingly, we ensure that we offer tailored options to meet these needs, such as accessible rooms, auxiliary visual alarms, and on-site dining facilities. All our clients are encouraged to request any additional services they may require based on their physical conditions. We are dedicated to accommodating these requests to ensure that their journey with us is as comfortable and hassle free.

Language Options

We are dedicated to serving clients from around the globe, ensuring that language barriers do not hinder their exploration of Sri Lanka. To facilitate this, we offer our services in multiple languages, reflecting our commitment to making travel accessible for everyone. 

To accomplish this, we are actively fostering relationships with tour drivers and guides who are proficient in multiple languages, ensuring that our clients receive the necessary language assistance upon request.

Guidance and Care

At Satchit Voyage Tours, we recognize that not all individuals share the same physical capabilities. We are committed to providing our clients with disabilities the additional care and assistance they require while traveling with us. For example, we employ drivers and guides who are specifically trained to cater to the needs of travelers with disabilities. We understand that some clients may need extra guidance when navigating unfamiliar destinations. 


Our staff is well-trained to offer support, ensuring a comfortable experience throughout their journey. Moreover, we assess each traveler's physical condition and advise them on activities that may not be suitable. We strive to present alternative options prior to finalizing the itinerary, ensuring that no one feels left behind, especially when traveling in a group.



Winrose garden,



Sri Lanka.


+94 77 049 9533


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